Good health starts at an early age.


We believe early education for young people is vital to their long term health, wellness, and educational success. Patient privacy is our top priority and we want our patients to feel their patient/physician relationship is private and confidential. Early visits are almost always about the conversation and rarely require a pelvic examClick Here to see why ACOG recommends people start seeing their gynecologist before age 21. Topics discussed with teenagers can include:

  • What should I expect for my first GYN visit?

  • When should I have my first pap smear?

  • Benefits of the Human Papilloma Virus vaccine (now approved age 9-45)

  • Female Athletic Triad (Irregular periods in young athletes)

  • Safe Relationships

  • Eating Disorders

  • What are the Non-Contraceptive Benefits of Birth Control

  • Adult Cancer Prevention: Breast, Ovarian, Uterine, Cervical, Lung, Colon

  • Alcohol Safety and Education

  • Tobacco/E-Cigarettes/Hookah: Prevention and Education

  • Bone Health and Strategies to Prevent Osteoporosis

  • Bullying and Online Safety

  • Texting and Driving

  • Depression and Anxiety Screening